
Adam Salyer – Texas House of Representatives District 118





Adam Salyer, a 14-year army veteran and conservative Republican is running for election to the Texas House of Representatives to represent District 118. The seat is currently held by a Democrat, Leo Pacheco, who is in his first term of office.

Salyer spoke to Politifix on how the district currently lacks leadership and has been overlooked by Texans and legislators. “The only way to progress is to elect strong representatives to accomplish what is needed to help the district thrive,” said Salyer. “Ensuring more jobs, economic growth, focusing on education, small business growth and public safety in our own backyards.” … these are just some of the priorities that Salyer promises to focus on if elected.

Salyer further stated that small business owners, who are struggling to pay their own bills, do not need the government mandating how they should run their businesses. He stressed the importance of supporting locally owned businesses and emphasized how important they are to the economic and social structure of our society. These businesses provide jobs and foster local economies by keeping money within the community.
The American Basketball Association (ABA) has appointed three team owners to help coordinate the ABA Mexico program and relationship, including Adam Salyer, owner of the Universal City Seraphim.

A professional basketball team is a business. An owner must understand staffing, management, financial planning, marketing, expenses, and taxes. Being chosen to lead a delegation to create partnerships with Mexican basketball teams indicates that the league recognizes Salyer’s skills and abilities. He plans to use those same skills to benefit local businesses, revise city ordinances in their favor, discover untapped opportunities, and assist businesses in creating more jobs to use those same skills to go directly to the local businesses in his district, review city ordinances, learn what opportunities exist, form committees, and assist businesses in creating more jobs for the district. As a conservative Salyer does not want to “throw money out” but instead insists on making sure that the business plans and partnerships formed will actually achieve the desired result, not just provide another program.

Teachers today suffer through challenging work conditions that make the teaching profession unbearable for even the best educators. Current educators today find it difficult to want to continue working in education. Salyer wants to be able to retain the best teachers in the public schools of his district, recruit others, and reverse the current trend of losing the best and brightest educators, who leave the school system for higher-paying work. Salyer, who is a self-proclaimed, devout, and unashamed Christian, also believes that God needs to be put back in school. He understands and appreciates that individuals of all faiths should be able to exercise and pursue their faith as they wish, but is convinced that faith needs to be an option for those who believe.

The Veterans Administration (VA) has been plagued with problems for years. More veterans are needed in office to address these problems and make much-needed changes. More veterans in Congress means better representation for all of our veterans. Salyer wants to extend current veteran health-care benefits to include the use of medical facilities outside the VA so that veterans can be treated at a number of different, private medical facilities paid for by the VA. He also would entertain having private-pay individuals seek treatment at VA hospitals when it is more convenient for them. Because of his 14 years in the Army and National Guard serving as a mechanic, Salyer understands how to fix things. He has endured 17 surgeries, going from being confined to a wheelchair to walking independently. He understands the importance of health care and is determined to take care of today’s veterans.

Salyer also stated the importance of voting and discussed how voting can make each voice heard on the issues that concern them the most. When Salyer ran for City Council, he won by just two votes. That literally means that if he and his wife had been too busy to vote, he could have lost the election in a runoff. It would have been his own vote that cost him the election!

Salyer is a supporter of President Trump and believes that the President has not had the backing he deserves and needs. He supports strong border security and the completion of the border wall. He wants and welcomes legal immigrants and appreciates their value but says that the number of illegal aliens coming into this country is a problem that needs to be further addressed. Salyer stated that the security of our nation should not be a Democrat or Republican issue but an American issue that both sides need to resolve together.

There is no commitment higher than that shown by those who selflessly volunteer to serve their country. Salyer wants to deliver the same amount of passion and dedication to his district that he did for his country when he first served in the military. Salyer also intends to bring much-needed discipline and a consideration of duty to the district, traits that representatives for District 118 currently do not possess.

For more information on Adam Salyer and to support his campaign, please visit



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