Burn it down or Build it Up: The Summer of “Love,” Looting and Murder
By Antonio “Tony” Renteria
The Summer of “Love” and Murder
Can somebody please tell Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin to put down the crack pipe? After Durkan, who wrestled the title of worst Mayor in America from New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (not an easy feat), allowed a mob of rioters to take over six city blocks in Seattle, she defended her actions by calling the takeover the “Summer of Love.” Yeah, that happened. A casualty of this takeover was the police were forced to abandon their Precinct headquarters. Both Mayor Durkin and Washington Governor, Jay Robert Inslee, both Democrats, refused President Trump’s offer to send in the National Guard and retake the six-block area. Mayor Durkin quipped that she was in no hurry to wrest control back from the mob and said it would be the “Sumer of Love.” The mob first renamed the area they now controlled as “CHAZ” then changed it to “CHOP.” On Juneteenth of all days, a tragedy occurred. Why is this significant? Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It was on June 19, 1865, that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the slaves were free. How did the people in the now police-free zone of CHOP celebrate? By committing heinous crimes. A 19-year-old black man was killed, and another black man was critically wounded in a shooting incident on a Saturday evening. The following day another person was wounded as a result of gunfire within the CHOP area. Seattle police said officers who responded to the former incident faced a “violent crowd” that denied them safe access to the crime scene to investigate the crime, or to remove the victims. These actions almost guarantee that the perpetrators of the murder and aggravated assaults will go unpunished.
Ignore the Democrats – America Needs to Reform not Defund the Police
“Defund the police?” Really! This isn’t about making black communities safer! There needs to be mutual respect and trust between the black community and the police. President Donald Trump put measures in place to do just that. This will take time, and patience and diligence from the police and the black community. Everyone agrees, reform must take place soon. The idea of defunding the police is pandering at its most ridiculous level by liberals to appease the BLM Movement. Liberals need black votes, and BLM is their answer. The fact defunding police is gaining traction among Congressional Democrats and the fake news media tells you exactly how absurd they have become. Defund the police? Weaken their presence in the neighborhoods that need a police presence the most? How does this solve anything? A “community version” of police that is going to be in place in Minneapolis will lead to a lot of untrained individuals who will be patrolling the streets. This will lead to three things almost immediately: extortion, more crime, and death. Everyone agrees what happened to George Floyd was a horrific crime and the officers involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. To suggest the way to make any community safer is to weaken or eliminate police altogether is sheer lunacy. The Democrats in Congress are not the answer. The Democrats are led by the Wacky Pack (Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Jerry Nadler) who will grandstand and wear stupid garb pandering to the Black Community. The Wacky Pack will rant and rave about change. They will author ridiculous “legislation” they know will not pass then they will blame President Trump and the Congressional Republicans when it doesn’t. They even named their “reform legislation” after George Floyd, except they all got his name wrong. The Wacky Pack is goofy, just goofy, and Nancy Pelosi may be the goofiest politician in America. How anybody can look at Nancy Pelosi and listen to her talk and take her serious is beyond me. She blatantly flaunts her hypocrisy and does not lose an ounce of sleep thinking about the damage she is doing to the country. Pelosi’s lack of support for law enforcement is a major part of the problem.
Black Lives do Matter – Stop Destroying Your Community
I advocate for law enforcement because a very large majority of them are good people who put their lives on the line on a daily basis. To vilify those tasked to protect and serve us is completely unfair and despicable. Yes, positive changes must occur. Actions must be taken to eliminate the small yet corrupt and racist faction of police who give everyone in law enforcement a bad name. Police unions are a big part of the problem as they shield police from actions that come against them. This would be a good place to start with reforms. We cannot punish all the police officers who put their lives in harm’s way daily to protect our communities because of the bad officers. Bad officers of the law need to be identified, fired, and criminally charged and prosecuted. The sad thing is, most of the race-baiting and burning, looting, and destruction of BLACK-OWNED businesses and violence against black police and innocent people are occurring in predominantly low-income black neighborhoods. The mobs who are doing a majority of destruction are led by ANTIFA and other liberal white agitators. The interesting thing is, not only are these liberal hate groups not black, but they are intentionally targeting businesses in black communities and hence, when they leave, their own neighborhoods are not affected. So these liberal white agitators and Democrat politicians and the liberal media all go home to their nice comfortable gated and privately guarded communities and unaffected neighborhoods while innocent black families are left to scramble for a restaurant, grocery or clothing store, pharmacy, or protection from police who no longer even have a precinct in their communities. Who’s lives matter now? Certainly not the black lives who have to suffer through the carnage left behind.
If your assertion is that Black Lives Matter, then make all black lives matter. BLM should oppose abortion, because abortion is aimed at wiping out your legacy, your future and it is the needless barbaric slaughter of millions of innocent black babies in the womb each year. These babies are dying without a peep of protest.
If Black Lives Matter, then protect your neighborhoods and your businesses and the innocent black women and children who live there. Do not allow people OF ANY COLOR to destroy businesses, steal, or assault people of color. Do not allow rioters to exploit your protests and cause harm to people in your neighborhood. The people you live amongst of different races and nationalities are there to support you and your families and benefit businesses and/or have businesses that are vital to the black communities. Protect these communities and push back on those who seek to destroy or cause damage to anyone or anything located there. If Black Lives Matter, demand that the violence stops altogether and help to heal the country, because as it stands right now, the toughest obstacles to be overcome will be in the black communities, and the impact of defunding the police will be felt harshly in the black communities. Black communities have historically had issues with bad policing and that definitely needs to change, but the answer is in police reform, not defunding. Minneapolis is about to learn a hard lesson because of their actions to eliminate the police. This is not a victory for the black population. This is a major setback for the black community. None of you may believe this, and I blame the liberal media, but BLM is attacking the very President who has done more for the black community than any other President in our lifetime. He understands that the black communities need a strong reformed police presence, and he wants black families to be kept safe from crime.
If Black Lives Matter, then why are you allowing anybody to attack black police officers or any police officer who is tasked with protecting your neighborhoods who are not directly involved in the attacks on black people. Do you realize that many of the innocent black families who live in these neighborhoods depend on the police for protection? Let’s begin with the destruction that is being caused now. How much more would have been destroyed if not for the presence of law enforcement. There is obviously a major disconnect between some of the bad element in law enforcement and these communities, but removing all law enforcement is never the answer, in fact it is absurd to even think it much less work towards accomplishing it. As of now, the greatest strength the black population has is their ability to effectuate change because of the outpouring of support for their cause due to the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of a very bad man with a badge, and as blacks, you are allowing the rioters and agitators to destroy it for you.