by Antonio Renteria
“Hispanic Americans are not only living the American Dream, but their incredible efforts are unlocking the American Dream for citizens all across our land.”
– President Donald J. Trump
The American Dream
What is the “American Dream” and how do we achieve it? This concept has a different definition depending on who you ask and what their dream is. One thing is certain, however, there is no other place on earth where dreams can be achieved as easily as in The United States of America.
There have been cultural struggles and depending on the political climate and governance of a particular state or city, there are other obstacles that create even more dissonance than what most people can overcome. The one certainty that has been evident based on the economic growth pre-Covid-19 and the rate of recovery and sustainment during the Wuhan virus outbreak, and that is the Trump economy is unwaveringly successful for all races, cultures and classes of people. President Donald J. Trump has managed to overcome every liberal-created, fake news media-enhanced, propaganda driven attack that has been shoveled his way.
“We’re proud to have created an organization over the past 10 years that literally went from 0 to over 500,000 small-business owners in this country. As you correctly identified pretty much from the first day of your presidency, small business is not only the backbone of our country, but the backbone of our communities,” said Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of Job Creators Network. “Just before COVID, they were really experiencing some of the best growth they had ever seen. Hispanics, in particular, were seeing some of the best growth. They had also seen, from a small business perspective, in general, with the highest — you know, some of the highest homeownership on record, as you know, lowest unemployment in history. It really had been an amazing run.”
In the face of all the distractions and attacks, President Trump has managed to produce the greatest economic successes in the history of our country. His latest achievement will greatly impact the Hispanic communities economically, educationally, and simultaneously strengthen the bond within their families.
I’m the son of two immigrants. My dad was a tailor. My mom was a housekeeper, said Ortiz. “So, to go from literally picking trash and cleaning toilets to sitting here, having this conversation with you (President Trump) — only in this country could this happen.”
Empowering Hispanic Americans
President Trump’s Executive Order establishes the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative and Interagency Working Group. The Initiative also establishes the President’s Advisory Commission on Hispanic Prosperity. The President’s Executive Order will improve access to educational, training, and economic opportunities for Hispanic American students by promoting options to enhance school choice, personalized learning, family engagement, civics education, and pathways to in-demand jobs.
“The executive order I will sign in a few moments will expand our efforts across all the federal government to deliver educational and economic opportunity for Hispanic Americans,” said President Trump prior to signing the Order. “At the heart of our strategy to create a prosperous future for every Hispanic American, as well as all Americans, is a great family of education. We are going to have a tremendous program, and we have. And, you know, we’re a believer in choice. Choice. The other folks don’t believe in choice, and choice is a great civil rights issue and maybe the great one of our times.”
With this action, President Trump further demonstrates his support of school choice, apprenticeships, and work-based learning initiatives. President Trump also demonstrated his desire to support Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), as well as an investment in economically distressed communities and small and minority owned businesses.
“I’m going to fight to ensure that every Hispanic American parent has the freedom and the right to send your child to the public, private, charter, faith-based, magnet, home, or independent school of your choice,” said President Trump. “And school choice is an incredible issue in many ways. It’s a political issue, I agree. Most people agree with us. The smart ones definitely agree with us. But it’s also a moral issue, and it really is a fundamental issue of civil rights. No American student should ever be trapped in a failing government school, which has happened so often for so many years. It’s one of the problems you see when you see these cities going up in flame.”
Uplifting Hispanic Workers and Families
Before the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, Hispanic unemployment rate was at a record low of 3.9% under President Trump and his Administration. For 23 consecutive months Hispanic unemployment remained under 5%. The unemployment rate fell below 5% a total of 27 times during the President’s first term. In 2018, the poverty rate for Hispanic Americans reached the lowest level on record.
Thanks to President Trump, almost 611,000 Hispanic Americans have escaped poverty since 2016. The median income for Hispanic households reached a historic high by surpassing $50,000 for the first time on record, thanks to the Trump Administration’s pro-growth policies. President Trump’s tax cuts are increasing the amount of money available to Hispanic American families and providing new resources for minority-owned businesses.
“You know, I could trace my family roots to this country decades before the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, you know.” Said former New Mexico Lieutenant Governor John A. Sanchez who completed his term limit is 2019 who stated he was raised in poverty along with eight siblings in a single parent home. “I was raised by this great woman who had the responsibility of raising eight kids by herself, no running water. But through hard work, staying in school, getting a good education, and taking advantage of the American Dream, I’m here, sitting across the table from the President of the United States. What an honor. That’s the American Dream.”
Sanchez continued, “I want to say, coming from New Mexico — now the third-largest energy-producing state in the country — some of the most richest producing oil fields in the world, rival — some say, maybe more than Saudi Arabia — it is because of your policy, sir, that have unleashed American energy that makes this country now energy independent.”
“And, in New Mexico, that translates into jobs. And, you know, sir, a majority of those jobs, Mr. President, are Hispanic workers. They may not have a college education or a degree, but you know what? They’re working in the oil field, making $100,000 a year for their families,” said Sanchez. “They’re able to buy homes, send their kids to school, buy a truck. That’s the American Dream.”
Sanchez stated in closing, “and so, I want to let you know, from the great state of New Mexico, the people, the Hispanics — the largest percentage of Hispanics of any state in the nation — we want to say thank you. And we hope that you continue with your second administration, sir, so that you continue to bring the American Dream to all Americans, especially Hispanics.”
Supporting Hispanic American Communities
President Trump’s leadership has created new jobs and investment that is pouring into nearly 9,000 newly designated Opportunity Zones which is home to more than 9 million Hispanic Americans. Approximately 362,000 Hispanics achieved the dream of becoming homeowners in 2018 and this is the largest such gain since 2005. President Trump is expanding educational opportunities for Hispanic American families by providing school choice and expanding support for higher education.
Hispanic students currently account for almost one-third of all students in public charter schools and 11% in private schools. Hispanics make up over 100,000 students in one of Florida’s private school scholarship programs. That number amounts to almost 40% of the student population who are Hispanic. President Trump signed legislation that provides one billion dollars to Minority Serving Institutions, including HSIs. Through President Trump’s programs such as these, the Hispanic community is seeing the American dream as a reality through home ownership which is providing them stability for their families and a strong education for a brighter future.
The impact of these policies is evident as explained by Florida Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Núñez, the first female Hispanic Lieutenant Governor in the history of the State of Florida.
“All of the things that you have stood for and championed — faith, freedom, future — those are things that are critically important to Florida, the economy,” said Lieutenant Governor Núñez, who attended the signing and the roundtable discussion prior to the event. “We don’t need to reiterate all the numbers and — lowest unemployment, homeownership on the rise — and nothing reverberates the American Dream louder than owning your own home.”
Lieutenant Governor Núñez continued, “and choice and education — as a mother, my youngest attends True North Classical Academy, an excellent charter school in Miami. I can tell you that those policies make a difference.”
The legislation that has been signed by the President provides $1 billion to Minority Serving Institutions including HSIs. This Executive Order along with other policies which have been championed by President Trump and his Administration has continued to improve the quality of life of members of every community as in this case with the Hispanic community.
The Chinese borne COVID-19 has certainly been a catalyst into causing a rift in the remarkable forward progress of President Trump’s vision for America which has brought prosperity back to a country with a dying economy that was once on life-support and seemed hopeless. Rioters and violent mobs, egged on by weak Democrat leadership who have allowed them to overtake their cities and states have increased the downfall of an economy that the Democrats and their liberal media lackeys have also stymied the growth that was apparently being jumpstarted once the COVID-19 lockdowns have ended. It is obvious, that the actions of the President, in the face of all the adversity and chaos created by Democrat leadership, is steering the country back into economic prosperity, and as is the case with this Executive Order, the Hispanic population is a beneficiary of the President’s actions.
“I will stand arm-in-arm with the Hispanic community to ensure that every child in America can grow up in safety, security, dignity, and in peace,” said President Trump. “We believe that the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are all shared, and they have to be shared in a big, beautiful heritage of all Americans. Whether you are a first-generation American or a fifth-generation American, this is your home. American history is your history. It’s about you. It’s about your family. It’s about our country. And the American Dream belongs equally to you.”
“Americans of all walks of life are united by the same noble ideas and the same fundamental designs for good schools, strong families, safe communities, and abundant opportunity. And I will not rest until we have delivered this future for every community — not only the Hispanic community, which is doing so well, but every community in our land,” said President Trump. “Together, we will write the next great chapter of the American adventure, and we will defend the greatness of America for your children, for your children’s children, and for generations to come.”